Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Thoughtless Interfaces

Here is a great write-up on how to not create an interface: IFoo as Foo's interface is evil and should be punished.

It's all about responsibilities, people!

Monday, April 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by Jennifer Dunne.
My wife took these wonderful pictures of toothpaste, which had quietly extruded itself from the tube in the middle of the night.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Trust is an essential deliverable

From Exploration Through Example:

Sometimes teams are jumping into Agile to avoid the horror of the previous release. The code was too buggy, or too late, or cost too much per feature, or all three. In such a case, the programmer team is probably not trusted by the business people. If so, trust is an essential deliverable. It's not enough to be better; you have to be visibly better soon. Delivering tested, working features at frequent intervals is a key way to get trust back. Another way is close cooperation with a product owner that demonstrates that the team's orientation is toward helping her meet her goals. But more generally, the team should pay active attention to how well they're doing at building trust, not just at building code.